Monday, May 7, 2012


We are home!! What a great feeling!!! The flight was long but Morgan did so well! We gave her an A plus!! The flight attendants gave us extra attention and helped us get the carry ins off the plane. There was a thunder stone in Chicago that delayed us and we held in the air some... We landed then waited 2 hours for our bags at customs because they closed the ramp due to the weather we were so mad! We finally got our bags and a soaking wet stroller oh I was ticked at that!! We grabbed our bags ran over to get Morgans paperwork handed in so now she is a US Citizen yay!! And rushed over to recheck the bags... We ran to the gate because now with the delays we lost our nice layover and only made our flight to Atlanta because it was late as well and that was by the skin of our teeth.... We got on the last plane of the day and took off. We were welcomed home with a sign and balloons and even a new baby doll toy for Morgan. She is doing well and luckily is getting sleep as mommy and baba are walking zombies. We are up now and it is 1 am I slept on my neck wrong and can barely move it... Lovely ok time for a twix bar that the flight attendants gave us we are happy to be home we hope jet lag does not kick our butts for much longer and Morgan is doing great!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home! Glad you are on American soil again and that now Morgan can start her new life. She will have so many opportunities with you as her parents. Introduce the arts early. My Asian children in class are very good at music, art, singing, etc. Can't wait to see you all in June.
